SOGO SEIBU TransCulture

A60 神楽岡久美 個展 The Metamorphoses of Beautiful Bodies. ー未来の美的身体について 2022年2月16日(水)~3月6日(日)


執筆・徳岡樹(株式会社 生活の友社)作品撮影・浦野航気

The Metamorphoses of Beautiful Bodies. – Consideration about the aesthetic value of the future body.

Kaguraoka’s making is based on pursuing a consistent theme of “The Metamorphoses of Beautiful Bodies.” Following the fact that “aesthetic value”is one of the essential needs of human society, she has studied the history, culture, customs, and gender of various regions since the dawn of history, which is its evidence. By exposing the aesthetic value inevitably imprinted on these things, she aims to remind viewers of paradoxical aspects that beauty has driven human society and at the same time it has created contradictions and images covered in selfishness because of its blind pursuit. This exhibition will try to represent the “Beautiful Body of the future” based on the research conducted under the theme.
She predicts the global environment will be “warming around 10°C and increasing arid areas” in 1000 years. She says the “beautiful body of the future has a vision of being simply a strong thing to live as a living organism even in a harsh environment. This is inspired by the view that in the process of human evolution,” pioneers were born from the weak and humans continued to evolve. Therefore, she focused on the physical characteristics of the Dinka people living in the arid regions of Africa today and the genetic diversity of the populations living in the African regions. In order to give a glimpse of her flow of research, study, and making through this exhibition, works such as drawings and body devices will be exhibited.
Aesthetic values related to the body are evident in the body of mannequins displayed in apparel and department stores, and the modeling of anime and manga characters in Japan, but she doesn’t think the public has consciously grasped and understood the standards and goals of beauty. And she believes that through the history of mankind and her own perspective, which have been at the mercy of such values at all times, value is not only presented, but can be expressed by oneself. In the present age when people are calling for reconsideration about what she has been looking at, including lookism, the criticism of such works is strongly required.

Prima Legs. H110×W80×D3.2写真・Edition 1/10 / 裏打ち込み

Study of Metamorphose [collage]-no.03 W22.3×H31×D3 Mixed media

Kaguraoka’s X-ray. W45×H100×D8ライトボックス ,レントゲン

Face Cage.W38×H38×D31.5 Mixed media

Study of Metamorphose [collage]-no.02 W22.3×H31×D3 Mixed media



Kaguraoka Kumi

「Bank ART Artist in Residence OPEN STUDIO 2015」(BankART1929・神奈川)
個展「身体と世界の対話(2015-16)」(T-Art Gallery・東京)
個展「KUMIKAGURAOKA solo Exhibition Study of Metamorphose.」(FabCafe・東京)
JunyaYamamine Award受賞(京都大学)
個展「Metamorphosis to a beautiful body KUMI KAGURAOKA」(西武渋谷店)
個展「Study of Non-verbal-communication.」 (gallery ON THE HILL·東京)
ファッション誌・特集「NUMERO BERLIN」(ベルリン)
「吉野石膏美術振興財団 在外研修助成」助成アーティスト選定
作品掲載「VOGUE MAN Hong Kong」(香港)

A60 神楽岡久美 個展と記入してください
